Science Week – March

Our focus for ‘Science Week 2019’ was called ‘Science Facts and Fiction’ which looked at the Science involved in some our favourite books and films. As part of the week every class carried out investigations linked to ‘Up’, trying to find out how much weight a helium balloon could carry, and the ‘Gingerbread Man’ where we looked at finding alternative ways to help the Gingerbread Man to get across the river safely.

One of the most important aspects of this week was for the children to understand about how we don’t use Science in isolation. The tasks they carried out needed them to use skills they had learned in other areas of the curriculum to support their investigations, e.g. Maths for measurements, Art and DT for crafting our models as well as literacy for the stories and ideas.

The children also learned how we can help and support each other when we work in teams. The ideas involved were child led and over the course of the week many of the children repeated their investigations, to test out their amendments to see if they had improved their outcomes, or to enable them to explain what they had seen more effectively.

But most of all, it was a fun way to learn!

EYFS – Crystal & Sapphire

