Healthy School Street zone coming soon to Chelmsford!

The Safer, Greener, Healthier team at Essex County Council want to encourage as many children as possible – as well as their parents/carers – to walk, cycle or scoot to school. Not only will this help with congestion and air quality by reducing emissions, but it will also help improve our children’s mental and physical health.
Following recent engagement work, we’re pleased to say that some of the measures that could be implemented this year include:

  • upgrading the existing bollards at the junction of Trinity Road/Hill Road,
  • increased provision of enforcement officers,
  • installation of 20s plenty signage,
  • park & stride from Meadows Retail carpark with Wayfinding signs,
  • thermoplastic road signs (Children Crossing Warning) and
  • temporary street art.

All measures are subject to on-going consultation and engagement with interested parties. For more information, please follow them on Twitter: @SGH_Essex