An update from Ms Clare, School Reading Lead

2022 is the Essex Year of Reading. This campaign has been created to help children and young people discover a lifelong love of reading.
We have embraced this opportunity as a way to promote and highlight reading at our school.
As you know our classes are all now named after prominent children’s authors.

There are lots of other exciting things that we will be doing this school year to further foster a love of reading:

Scholastic Book Fair

On Thursday 17th, Friday 18th, Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd November we will be holding a Scholastic Book Fair after school (on each evening, there will be plenty of signs pointing you towards the fair). There will be over 200 titles for you and your child to browse through,
and with prices starting from only £2.99, there’s sure to be a book for everyone to enjoy!
Don’t forget that every book you buy can help to get FREE BOOKS for our school! We have set a goal of selling over £400 of books. This will earn us at least £160 of rewards to spend on new books for the school. We will also have a wish list of books and will be incredibly grateful if you are able to buy and donate any of these books for the children to enjoy.
At the fair, payments can be made in cash or using the online payment system via the Scholastic website – there will be QR codes available to take you to the correct webpage.

Bunting Competition: win a £5 book fair voucher!

Your child has come home with a bunting outline for this competition. They need to design the piece of bunting in a way that promotes a love of reading. There will be five winners from across the school so let your imaginations run wild. I cannot wait to see the fantastic designs that come in and I am looking forward to displaying some of the bunting around the school.
The closing date for this competition is Tuesday 15th November.

Reading Recognition Raffle

We have launched an exciting new reading reward system – our Reading Recognition Raffle.
Children can earn tickets for the reading they are doing at home just like for 50 Nights Read.
They can also earn tickets for a wide range of positive reading attitudes, for example:

  • using their phonics skills,
  • trying a new author,
  • trying a new genre,
  • recommending a book to a friend,
  • discussing a book they’ve read or
  • increasing the amount of reading they are doing out of school.

Adults in school will be recognising different aspects of reading that children are working towards.
Each child can earn raffle tickets and at the end of term, winners drawn from the raffle will earn a book or book voucher.
I am sure the children will be telling you about the raffle tickets they have earned very soon.

Future events

We have lots more planned for this school year. There will be more information about the following events closer to the time so keep your eyes peeled!

Family Reading Evenings

On Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th January 2023, we will be holding a family reading event.

Pre-loved Book Sale

On Tuesday 28th February 2023, we will be holding a pre-loved book sale during the school day. If you are planning on having a clear out of books in the New Year, we would be delighted to take these from you.

Temporary Library Card

As part of the Year of Reading, Essex Library Service has provided us with library cards for all our students (children in years 3 and 4 have already had theirs issued after their visit to Chelmsford Library). You need to take it to one of the libraries in Essex to register it.