Expansion progress update by the construction team

January has seen a good month of progress on site with works taking place to the new extension area of the school. The main progress in January has been the excavation and pour of the foundations as shown in the pictures, along with the deep drainage works. The substructure brickwork and underground drainage has commenced.

In February, your construction team will continue drainage works, as well as finish the sub-structure brickwork allowing the beam and block floor installation to begin.

Pouring the foundations for the new school building

By the end of the month, the installation of the SIPs (Structural Insulated Panel System) will begin. The SIPs makes up the primary main structure of the new building. This will be lifted into place via a mobile crane.

The construction team aims to keep all disturbances, noise and dust to a minimum during the construction process and apologise for any inconveniences caused.

As an associate member of the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS), Morgan Sindall are committed to the environment and communities in which they work. This includes enhancing our site’s appearance, respecting the community, protecting the environment, securing everyone’s safety and valuing their workforce.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Morgan Sindall office on:
Chelmsford Office — 01245 974040

Your Trinity Road Primary School Morgan Sindall Team