World Book Day competitions and events in school

We will be celebrating World Book Day with activities and learning opportunities from Monday 4th to Friday 8th March.

Read Your Way – win a new book!

You are invited to take part in a photo competition to be in the chance of winning a new book. The theme of World Book Day this year is Read Your Way. We would love to see photos of you reading your own way over half term. So get reading in wild, wacky and whimsical places. Please email the school office with photos and include your child’s name and class.

Paper plate competition – win a £5 book voucher.

Everyone will be given a paper plate after half term. The challenge is to turn it into a book character or book cover. The 4 winners from across the school will each get a £5 book voucher. We cannot wait to see how creative your designs are and hear about your inspiration. Closing date for both competitions is Monday 4th March.

Check the calendar for more events!

All the events are in the school calendar and here’s a summary:

Best Wishes, Ros Clare , Reading Lead