On-site Breakfast and After School Club receives 5-star food hygiene rating

This week the Breakfast and After School Club received a 5-star food hygiene rating, the highest rating possible. The Chelmsford YMCA offers wrap-around care from 7:30am to 6pm on the school premises for Trinity Road families.

The setting is run by professional, caring staff and was rated Good by OfSTED in 2022. The Breakfast and After School Club is a safe, secure and relaxed environment for the children in their familiar school library and playground. A range of activities are offered to the children, who are encouraged to be responsible for themselves and grow as individuals with guidance from both qualified and experienced staff. Breakfast is provided for those children attending the Breakfast Club and there’s a light tea for children at the After-School Club.

Expressions of interest and registration is done through Chelmsford YMCA directly and parents are encouraged to express interest in a place as soon as possible to ensure staffing levels can accommodate the demand. The Chelmsford YMCA staff are available to help parents through the application process: by phone on 01245 355677, by email at reception@ymcachelmsford.org.uk and more information is on their website.