Anti-Bullying Week – Make A Noise About Bullying

The theme for upcoming Anti-Bullying Week (13th to 17th November) is Make A Noise About Bullying!

Mrs Ghibaudo, our PSHE Lead, is teaming up with the Anti-Bullying Alliance and arranging learning for each class for Anti-Bullying Week to support children to understand the need to speak up.

As part of this we are inviting children to wear Odd Socks to school on Monday 13th November to demonstrate that we are all unique and give children a fun way to express their individuality.

There is no cost to take part – just wear odd socks! We want to continue to empower children to understand that bullying is not acceptable and ensure they have the skills and confidence to speak out and share their worries and concerns with an adult.

poster about anti bullying campaign