Enhanced Provision

Trinity Road Primary School offers an enhanced provision for children with speech sound and language difficulties or delays, such as Developmental Language Delay and Verbal Dyspraxia as their primary area of need.

There are two strands to our enhanced provision; the Early Intervention Scheme (EIS) and the Language Hub.

Children in both the Early Intervention Scheme and the Language Hub will need to be able to access the mainstream classroom largely independently for our offer to be effective. We are unable to offer 1:1 or significant support for class-based lessons.

Our provision would not suit children with wide-ranging/complex needs that compete or coexist alongside speech or language needs. This is because our funding is used to source and develop expertise around speech and language only.

Our enhanced provision is not suitable for children with moderate or significant social communication difficulties or Autistic Spectrum Condition.

We welcome visits from parents and carers of children we can support; call 01245 354517 or email inclusion@trinityroad.essex.sch.uk to book.

Find out more about each offer including admissions and how we can support you and your child.

Other external services available locally

Find out about help available for children and young people (aged 0-25) from Essex County Council Special Educational Needs and Disabilities website.

Families InFocus (Essex) is a parent-led charity, supporting families who have a child (or children) or young person up to the age of 25 with any Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). They run regular events and you can contact them on their helpline: 01245353575 Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm with a 24 hour answerphone.