The Language Hub

Trinity Road Primary School offers a limited number of spaces in the Language Hub, part of the school’s Enhanced Provision for children with speech, sound and language difficulties or delays.

A child can request the Language Hub as their named school when:

  • They have persistent speech and language difficulties that have a diagnosis of Developmental Language Delay, Verbal Dyspraxia or similar.
  • Your child is likely to have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) or is being assessed.
  • The speech and/or language difficulties experienced by your child have already had an evident impact on their ability to maintain age-related expectations, to a level of significant need.

The funding for the Language Hub is used to source and develop expertise around speech and language only. Therefore, the Language Hub is not suitable for children with moderate or significant social communication difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Condition or children with wide-ranging/complex needs that compete or coexist alongside speech or language needs.

Children will need to be able to access the mainstream classroom largely independently for our offer to be effective. We are unable to offer 1:1 or significant support for class-based lessons. Children in the Language Hub will receive all their lessons within the mainstream classroom.

All pupils in the enhanced provision take part in all aspects of everyday school with their classmates in the mainstream class.

Children who are offered a place and who live more than two miles away from Trinity Road Primary School will be eligible for free school transport, arranged through Essex County Council.

Children develop their speech sound and/or language skills with individual and small group therapy from our Speech and Language Therapists.

Children in the Language Hub receive this therapy in line with that recommended by their NHS therapist and stretched across the academic year.

Parents are supported with practice materials and demonstrations on how to embed, generalise and practice the skills their children are developing at home. This is an integral part of the offer, as children spend the majority of their time outside school.

You will be invited to One-Plan meetings each term. This is an opportunity for children, parents and professionals to share information, celebrate success, discuss progress ans set new targets and outcomes. Parents are invited to regularly attend therapy sessions.

We welcome visits from parents and carers of children we can support; call 01245 354 517 or email to book.

If this doesn’t sound quite right for your child, explore the other strand to our Enhanced Provision, the Early Intervention Scheme: