Governor Information

Here you can find out more about the role of governors in our school, who our governors are, what skills they bring to the school and how they’re involved. If you’re interested in finding out more about governance, arrange to speak with a governor by contacting the school office, or look out for the people with a yellow lanyard on teacher conference days each term. The governing body also shares updates on its work on the governor news page.

Our School Governors

Claire Styles

Personal Statement: It’s my privilege to be able to dedicate my spare time to improving outcomes for all children at Trinity Road, and I’m fortunate to be working with a great team of governors. I’ve been a governor at the school since 2017 and both my children attend Trinity Road. I have trained in all aspects of governance, including completing the Leading Governance course funded by the Department for Education. I represent maintained primary school governors on the Essex Schools Forum. I sit on the committee for the Essex School Governance Association (ESGA). I work locally, part-time, as the Communications & Public Relations Manager for East Anglia Reserve Forces and Cadets Association, which operates primarily in estate management across 200 sites in the region.
Term of office: Elected as Chair 15/07/2021, re-elected for a second 1yr term of office on 15/12/2022. Parent governor. Parent governor since 2017.
Lead responsibilities on the board: Chair of the governing body. SEND.

Lisa Hibbert

Personal Statement: I have been a governor at Trinity Road Primary since 2016. My son left the school fully prepared for secondary school in July 2017. I was a teacher and a Senior Leader in three Primary Schools for 20 years and currently work within a helpline team advising teachers and senior leaders in their use of assessment tracking software so am always keen to discuss the school’s data with them! As the named safeguarding governor I liaise with the Deputy Head and Pastoral Support Worker evaluating their procedures and monitoring how they are helping ensure your children are safe at school. Having been responsible for teaching Computing earlier in my career, I have a particular interest in developing my knowledge of esafety – our children are accessing more information and contacting so many more people than ever before – we need to be prepared to support them enjoy this safely. Away from work, I enjoy cycling and love a board game! As a family we bought a tent a couple of years ago so try to get away a few times during the summer – hoping for kind weather!
Term of office: 2016 for four years. Renewed 01/09/2020 for four years
Lead responsibilities on the board: Co-opted governor. Vice-chair. Data. Safeguarding.

Keith Roddy

Personal statement: I am the Vicar of Holy Trinity Church (next to the school) and I have had the privilege of being a co-opted Governor since 2012.  I am passionate about Trinity Road Primary School and long to see every child grow in confidence and achieve great things!  Outside of church and school I love watching films, most sports (especially football and cricket), reading and spending holidays in the middle of a field in a caravan!
Term of office: 2012 – 2016, 2016-2020, Oct 2020- Oct 2024
Lead responsibilities on the board: Co-opted Governor. Wellbeing.

Sharon Johnson

Personal statement: Both of my children attend the school. I apply my Finance background alongside my compliance knowledge to my governance role. I am a fully participating member of Trinity Road School Community as I also chair the Friends of Trinity PTA. In my spare time, I like to travel, bake, and spend time with family and friends.
Term of office: Dec 2020- Dec 2024
Lead responsibilities on the board: Parent Governor. Finance.

Julia Frascona

Personal statement: I retired recently after a career as a secondary school English Teacher and Head of Communications, including 26 years at The Boswells School. Having spent a lifetime in education, I am passionate about its importance and potential to transform lives, while recognising that educational experiences can and should be diverse and innovatory; children learn both inside and outside the classroom and in many different ways. Although I worked in secondary education, it was always clear to me that a good start educationally is key to children’s success and happiness throughout their lives, so I am keen to support Trinity Rd in achieving the best possible progress and outcomes for all the children who attend. I was elected as a City Councillor in 2019.
Term of office: Dec 2020 – Dec 2024
Lead responsibilities on the board: Local Authority Governor. Curriculum.

Tessa Hougham

Personal statement: I am an eager supporter of learning and how I can contribute towards the school ensuring all pupils can be the best they possibly can, through opportunities both inside and outside the classroom and the wider curriculum.  From a professional point of view, I have a career background in Human Resources within the motor industry and banking, supporting strategic priorities and operational matters.  I have two sons who are now in higher education.
Term of office: Dec 2020 – Dec 2024
Lead responsibilities on the board: Co-opted Governor. Attendance.

Louise Thompson

Personal statement: Over 16 years, I taught in History and Humanities faculties in two Essex schools. Currently, I am on a career break and I volunteer as a breastfeeding counsellor for a global breastfeeding support charity, co-leading their Chelmsford branch. As an inquisitive person with a passion for education, I offer my experience and commitment to governance at Trinity Road Primary School.
Term of office: Dec 2021- Dec 2025
Lead responsibilities on the board: Co-opted Governor. Safeguarding.

Karen Redmond

Clerk to the governing body, Karen works for Juniper Clerking Services and her experience supporting schools is a crucial asset to the governing body.
Joined January 2023

Parent governor vacancy

Could you be our next school governor? Nominations are open until 29th January 2024. Forms have been sent home in pupils’ bags and are available in the school office.

Parent governor vacancy

Could you be our next school governor? Nominations are open until 29th January 2024. Forms have been sent home in pupils’ bags and are available in the school office.