Anti-Bullying Week – Make A Noise About Bullying

The theme for upcoming Anti-Bullying Week (13th to 17th November) is Make A Noise About Bullying!

Mrs Ghibaudo, our PSHE Lead, is teaming up with the Anti-Bullying Alliance and arranging learning for each class for Anti-Bullying Week to support children to understand the need to speak up.

As part of this we are inviting children to wear Odd Socks to school on Monday 13th November to demonstrate that we are all unique and give children a fun way to express their individuality.

There is no cost to take part – just wear odd socks! We want to continue to empower children to understand that bullying is not acceptable and ensure they have the skills and confidence to speak out and share their worries and concerns with an adult.

poster about anti bullying campaign

Be Bright & Be Seen

We are joining forces with Safer Essex Roads Partnership.

Be Bright & Be Seen is the road safety campaign to support children be safe. Be seen brightly as you travel home from school now the clocks have gone back and the evenings are darker.

Remember to walk where it is well lit and you can be seen.

Try to include something reflective on your coat or bag to help you be seen by drivers and other road users.

Family Picnic – Thursday 20th July

Last year we invited all families on to the school field to join us for our annual summer family picnic. We would like to invite you all on site to do
this same this year, where you can come and join your child for a picnic outside in the fine weather.

This year we will be holding the family picnic on Thursday 20th July. Come on site for 12.00pm, bring a picnic and sit with your child/family on the field. We will have music playing and will see who is going to be a top dancer!

We invite all families to take their children off site from 1.00pm after their lunch, to enjoy the start of the summer holidays.

Rainbow Raffle—Thank you

A huge thank you to everyone for all your donations to the FoT Rainbow Raffle. There are some super raffle hampers that have been made from everything you brought in.

The Rainbow Hampers will be raffled off at our Summer Fun Day, on 2nd July 2023 from 11.30am to 2.30pm.

There will be lots to enjoy at the Summer Fun Day including, pony rides, bungee trampolines, animal encounters, inflatable slide, the usual games, crafts, glitter tattoos and much more!

Raffle tickets to win great prizes and raise money for the school are £1 each and you can purchase them here or in the playground from the Firends of Trinity volunteers. You could win:

1st Prize: £100 cash
2nd Prize: £50 voucher
Rainbow Hampers
an Echo Dot,
a Scooter
and many more prizes …

Beat the queues and pre-order your games tokens. We look forward to seeing as many of our families and friends there as possible to celebrate Summer together.

NEU Proposed Strike Action – 5th and 7th July

The National Education Union announced two further days of strike action for Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July.

On the previous strike dates this year, our school managed to stay open, but as on previous occasions, this cannot be guaranteed. As before, the school team are taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to keep the school open on the above dates, for our most vulnerable children, SEND, disadvantaged, key worker children and children sitting upcoming external examinations.

While there is no guarantee that the school will remain fully or partially open, parents and carers will be updated as far in advance as possible to enable families to make appropriate childcare plans.

Class Photos

The children will be having annual class photos taken on Friday 9th June.