Dog’s Trust

We are excited to welcome the Dog’s Trust Charity to come in to lead assemblies and workshops with all classes in our first week back after the half term, on Wednesday 7th June & Thursday 8th June
Not only does the Charity rehome dogs, but they work with schools to educate children on two main themes: responsible dog ownership and safe behaviour around dogs.

KS2 awarded ‘Internet Legends’ certificate by Vicky Ford MP

Google and Parentzone joined KS2 on Friday to lead an Internet Safety assembly. Children across years 3, 4, 5 and 6 were Internet Legends
after cracking the internet safety code and leading how to stay safe and secure online.
Rt Hon Vicky Ford MP, who brought the assembly to us, presented the school with our ‘Be Internet Legends’ Certificate.
The children learnt about cookies and correct sources, and the importance of knowing the origin of the information they come across online.

Children raise tehir hand during Google Internet Legends presentation
Trinity Road Primary school pupils with Vicky Ford MP and internet legends certificate

To keep the conversation going at home, Google and ParentZone have given us some information to send home to KS2 families.

Brickwork going up

The outside of the building is currently being clad with bricks, you will be able to see a lot of this going up from the roadside as well as the playground side. All the windows are in and the external doors have been installed.
Inside, the timber is being plaster-boarded and the electric, data cables and power services are all being installed.

Find out more about our school expansion here.

NEU Strike Action Dates

The NEU have issued two new strike action dates to take place throughout April and May. The dates that affect our region include:

  • Thursday 27th April
  • Tuesday 2nd May

All classes will be open and staffed.

The headteacher shared in the school newsletter: “I continue to work with the staff to try to take all reasonable and appropriate steps to keep the school open, for the above dates, for our most vulnerable children, SEND, disadvantaged, key worker children and children sitting upcoming external examinations, while also respecting the right of staff to strike.”

Ms Outhwaite added: “We were one of the only settings that remained open throughout all the previous strike dates, but there is no definite
guarantee that we will not have to close. I will keep you updated as far in advance as I can work, to enable you to make appropriate plans. Staff
are under no obligation to inform me if they intend to strike and we may only be aware of staff striking if they do not arrive for work on the strike days.”

There may be new dates added and other unions may also be seeking to strike, therefore we should be aware there may be additional dates in the future.

WW2 Learning In Years 5 & 6

Years 5 and 6 had a very engaging start to their new Topic, World War 2 (WW2), with an artefacts handling session at Chelmsford Museum.
They learnt about how the war affected one family in Chelmsford, in particular, before enjoying two handling sessions.

In one session, they explored rationing of food and clothing by ‘visiting’ the local shops in the experience to purchase their rationed goods.
In the other, they learnt about air raids. They handled a number of artefacts related to air raids including gas masks, rattles, bells and a water pump. They experiencing some time in a mock air raid shelter to understand how people in WW2 felt and thoguht about how people might have made the best of the time they had in there.
They returned to school full of excitement for their Topic and armed with further questions they want to know about World War 2.

A huge thank you to the parents that gave up their time to make the visits possible, we really appreciate the ongoing support of parents with our visits.

Pupils use a manual water pump while exploring how Chelmsford residents would be ready to put out fires during WW2 air raids.

Pupils are shown authentic WW2 ID cards and ration books and calculated how much of each food type they’d be allowed to purchase under WW2 rationing rules.

Peak inside the Canopy

‘The Canopy’ was chosen as the name of the new building because a canopy is a layer of protection that provides shelter and safety to a unique
and diverse ecosystem to enable it to thrive. The Headteaher said: “I believe the meaning behind the name embodies what we do here at our school for our children.”
The buildingworks are progressing well. Now the floors are down, the windows are in and you’ll see the exterior brickwork will rise quickly around the exterior.

Internally, all the rooms are divided where the internal walls will be. The ceilings and walls are due to be boxed in following all the insulation and heating. Currently the team are installing all the electrical and data cables.

The Head Learners will be invited inside the building for a meeting with the Site Manager and they will have their own tour of the site to see how it’s changed since they laid the time capsule.

This is the Dining Hall
This is one of the new classrooms
The view through the serving hatch into the kitchen and stores.