Sustrans Big Walk & Wheel

Our school is joining over 2,500 other schools supporting the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel this year.

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel inspires children to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world.
It is free to take part and there are daily prizes to be won, inlcuding daily prize draws for rewards including equipment and accessories if over 15% of our pupils walk, use a wheelchair, scoot or cycle on that day of the challenge.

On each day of the challenge, our school will aslo be competing to see who can get the highest percentage of their children walking, using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school. Our school’s best five days will determine our final position, but we can log journeys on
all ten days if we wish.

How many active journeys will our pupils make?
Read more about this event at the website.

Aim High Maths Day

Last week, Miss Albiston took a group of budding mathematicians out to St. Cedd’s School for their annual Aim High Maths Day. The children were in their element, solving maths problems, complex equations and devising possibilities when they were faced with timed challenges.
Well done to all of you who took part – you were commended on your behaviour when representing our school and that makes us all very proud!

Time capsule ceremony celebrates school’s historic milestone

Vicky Ford MP attended the time capsule ceremony at the school on Friday 24th February. She said: “It was lovely to join the children from Trinity Road Primary School burying their time capsules. They should be extremely proud of what is happening in their school. The expansion of Trinity Road Primary will bring huge benefits to children all across this part of Chelmsford, but also to others across the city as it is so important that we have enough school places for all of our children.”  

Vicky Ford added: “I hope that today’s Trinity Road pupils will be able to come back to the school in future years, perhaps with their own children, and remember the happy memories that they have placed in this capsule.” 

The headteacher said: “This is the biggest structural change to our school in over 65 years. The school was opened in 1910 and we’re so excited to be able to expand our school community and share our school with more families from September 2023.” 

Cllr Marie Goldman, the Deputy Leader of Chelmsford City Council said she’s very proud of the funding and support Chelmsford City Council contributed to this school expansion, adding: “This is such an important project to provide for the education of children in Chelmsford.”  The project includes a new building with extra classrooms, all built to a Carbon Net Zero standard, as well as an outdoor all-weather multi-use sports area, a partial internal remodelling and planting of trees and bulbs.  

The Chair of Governors for Trinity Road Primary School, Mrs Claire Styles, expressed thanks to the funding councils, contractors, staff, families and neighbours for the support they’ve shown this project. Claire said: “My children are pupils at this school. My children’s great-grandfather was a pupil at this school. This school holds a special place in the hearts of all those generations of pupils who passed through its classrooms.”  

“Many more generations of Trinity pupils will receive high quality education here in the safety and comfort of these walls, thanks to the investment into its future we’re commemorating here today.” 

“Surrounded now by resilient, compassionate young people who love to learn, each one of us is connected with this school community for as long as this time capsule remains in the ground.” 

The school is a local authority maintained primary school. Essex County Council commissioned the demolition of the old 1950’s built HORSA building (kitchen and cantine) to be replaced with a new building that will allow the school to expand from 1.5-form entry to a two-form entry school. Today the school has 315 pupils, all of whom included something to, and signed, the time capsule before it was buried in the foundations of the new building.  When the building is completed, there will be a plaque the mark the location of the time capsule for years to come.

Cllr Jill Reeves took part in the time capsule ceremony on behalf of Cllr Tony Ball, Essex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education Excellence and Skills. Cllr Reeves shared: “What a wonderful gesture to include all the children in the school in the ceremony.” The Head Boys and girls, Ffion, Ishan, Jessica and Thomas, had the honour of laying the time capsules down, in front of all their schoolmates and teachers, who watched the ceremony from just outside the construction site perimeter. 

The construction project, which is due to be completed by December 2023 by the appointed contractors Morgan Sindall, will enable the school to ultimately educate 420 children on the premises.

On-site Breakfast and After School Club receives 5-star food hygiene rating

This week the Breakfast and After School Club received a 5-star food hygiene rating, the highest rating possible. The Chelmsford YMCA offers wrap-around care from 7:30am to 6pm on the school premises for Trinity Road families.

The setting is run by professional, caring staff and was rated Good by OfSTED in 2022. The Breakfast and After School Club is a safe, secure and relaxed environment for the children in their familiar school library and playground. A range of activities are offered to the children, who are encouraged to be responsible for themselves and grow as individuals with guidance from both qualified and experienced staff. Breakfast is provided for those children attending the Breakfast Club and there’s a light tea for children at the After-School Club.

Expressions of interest and registration is done through Chelmsford YMCA directly and parents are encouraged to express interest in a place as soon as possible to ensure staffing levels can accommodate the demand. The Chelmsford YMCA staff are available to help parents through the application process: by phone on 01245 355677, by email at and more information is on their website.

Expansion progress update by the construction team

January has seen a good month of progress on site with works taking place to the new extension area of the school. The main progress in January has been the excavation and pour of the foundations as shown in the pictures, along with the deep drainage works. The substructure brickwork and underground drainage has commenced.

In February, your construction team will continue drainage works, as well as finish the sub-structure brickwork allowing the beam and block floor installation to begin.

Pouring the foundations for the new school building

By the end of the month, the installation of the SIPs (Structural Insulated Panel System) will begin. The SIPs makes up the primary main structure of the new building. This will be lifted into place via a mobile crane.

The construction team aims to keep all disturbances, noise and dust to a minimum during the construction process and apologise for any inconveniences caused.

As an associate member of the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS), Morgan Sindall are committed to the environment and communities in which they work. This includes enhancing our site’s appearance, respecting the community, protecting the environment, securing everyone’s safety and valuing their workforce.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Morgan Sindall office on:
Chelmsford Office — 01245 974040

Your Trinity Road Primary School Morgan Sindall Team

iRock – The School Rockband

We are setting up Rock Bands!
It was such a great morning to have iRock come in and show us what music lessons in our school could look like. We are now ready to set up 5 bands!
If you are interested in your child taking part in iRock music lesson sessions across the school day, please visit or email . Here are some of the photos from our iRock assemblies.

You can find out more about how we learn Music at Trinity Road here.