Home support for spellings Year 2-6 by Miss Ball

As part of our spelling programme, children have been excitedly using their Spelling Shed logins during the school day. These can also be used at home to support the learning of spellings. Children in Years 2 – 6 will be given their logins to access the website: https://

The website can be accessed through the child’s unique username and password or via the QR code on the log-in information sheet.

Spelling Shed is a game-like format to support children with learning their spellings. Children can choose their own level of difficulty for the
games and build their Spelling Shed score up. The game-like format will encourage children to rehearse their spellings, which will in turn improve their writing and vocabulary.

You can find out more about Writing here.

Miss Ball.
Rauf Class Teacher and School Writing Leader

Headteacher’s update on teacher strike action

I’m sure you have all seen in the news reports that strike action has been confirmed for teachers.
The dates that affect our region are:

  • Wednesday 1st February
  • Thursday 2nd March
  • Wednesday 15th
  • Thursday 16th March

I am working with the staff to take all reasonable and appropriate steps to keep the school open for our most vulnerable children, SEND, disadvantaged, key worker children and children sitting upcoming external examinations on the above dates.

While there is no definite guarantee that we will not have to close, I will keep you updated as far in advance as I can, to enable you to make appropriate plans.

Other unions are also seeking to strike and therefore we should be aware there may be additional dates in the future.

Head Learner News

Our Head Learners have written an update for you this week. They have also been invited to attend the site and meet with the Site Manager. Together we are planning a Time Capsule Ceremony for the school, where the Head Learners will lay a time capsule in the foundations of the new build next month.
The build is on track; currently the construction team are laying the services to the new site.
We are looking forward to finer weather to enable us to open the field back up and get the full benefit from the school site. We have introduced a rota system for the MUGA and the gym equipment since our return in January.


Storytelling Session on 31st January – invitation only

Miss Clare is organising a family storytelling session after school on Tuesday 31st January.

This is part of our Year Of Reading activites and will be focused on ‘reading for pleasure’.

This is a ‘trial event’ so we will invite a select number of families to take part in the story telling session. If it goes well and seems popular, we will be opening this up across the school. It definitely calls for a onesie and some hot chocolate!

Winter ilnesses update

As you may have seen in recent news reports, the NHS is under severe pressure this winter, due to the rise in cases of flu, Covid 19 and
Scarlet Fever. The current advice issued by the Chief Medical Adviser at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is that:

  • Children remain at home if they have a fever and only return to school when the fever has gone, and they feel well.
  • Children are helped to learn about the importance of hand-washing with soap and hot water. They are taught to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues and bin them immediately. The full advice can be found here.

In school, we will be ensuring that classrooms are well ventilated. We will remind children and staff about the importance of regular hand-washing and we will continue to provide hand sanitiser in classrooms and communal spaces.

If your child is unwell with a fever, please keep them at home until their fever has gone and they feel well enough to return to school.

If your child tests positive for Covid 19, please keep them at home for three full days after the day they have tested positive and ensure that they only return to school when they are well enough to do so.

We know that this is a challenging time for families when illnesses are around the home. Please inform the School Office if your child is unwell. Do speak to the School Office or staff at the school gates if you need further support.

NHS Guidance on Covid 19 and Scarlet Fever can be found in the links below:
Advice on the symptoms of Scarlet Fever
Current Covid 19 isolation guidance

Chinese New Year celebration on Sunday 22nd January

We will be celebrating Chinese New Year in school and offering children a themed lunch to bring in the Year of the Rabbit! You will be able to
make your menu choices in advance.

The Year of the Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity in Chinese culture.
It is predicted that 2023 will be a year of hope.

Albert Einstein, David Beckham and Lionel Messi were all born in the year of the Rabbit!

To see more school events, take a look at the Calendar.

Illustration for Year of the Rabbit