Medication and serious injuries

If your child is coming to school with a serious injury, broken limb or requires prescribed medication for a short term need, you must come to the School Office to complete a form.
You should do this before your child starts their day, in case we need to make adaptations to their school day for their own safety.

Park & Stride, the free parking offer for dropping-off and picking-up

Parents can register to park for free with the Council’s park and stride scheme at nearby Meadows Retail multi-story car park.

This offer provides parents with 45 minutes free parking at pick-up and drop off times.

To apply, phone or visit the school office team, who are required by the Council to verify that you are indeed parents of an attending child. The school office team take down your vehicle registration and the postcode of your home address which will be passed onto Essex County Council to be added onto their database. There is no physical permit to display – it is all done on your vehicle registration number.
Once registered, here is the guidance from the council:
When parking after being registered, a parent takes a ticket when entering the carpark but does not pay at the machines. On exit, they push the help button to exit. The controller will ask them for their vehicle registration number and to scan their ticket. The first 45 minutes will be free, beyond the 45 minutes will be payable whilst at the exit barrier.

This offers provides families with a 10 minute walk to school and supports the school community to reduce traffic around the school perimeter.

pedestrian route from Meadows retail car park to Trinity Road Primary School

Lost Property

Remember to add your child’s name on all your child’s items, including hats and gloves. When items are labelled in this way, adults in school can reunite your child with their lost items during the school day. Do let adults in school know if an item has been lost and they can be on the look-out for it. If your lost items aren’t labelled, they will be placed in the Lost Property boxes. You can search through the Lost Property boxes, situated in the school foyer.

Healthy Snacks at Breaktime

If you are choosing to to send your child in with a snack for breaktime please do make sure it is a healthy one (e.g. fruit, vegetable, cereal bar – no nuts please).
Early Years and Key Stage One classes all do have access to fruit/vegetable snack everyday through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.

Scooters and Bikes

If you are coming to school on a bike or a scooter, please dismount when you arrive at the school gates and walk with them to the top of the playground. We ask you not to ride bikes or scooters on school premises please.

We have covered bicycle shelters and mushroom scooter storage at the top of the playground.