Colder Weather – Clothing

Please remember to label your child’s fleece, jumpers and coats! As the colder weather approaches, many children will be bringing more items of clothing and some of these items may be misplaced across the school.
Ensure your child recognises their items and knows where to look for their name. When it is named, it is much easier to get this back to you. Alternatively, please check lost property in the school office.

Toys and items from home

Please ensure your child is not bringing in toys and items from home, such as Pokemon cards. These are not allowed in school as they cause distraction and when they get lost or taken children, are often very sad.

Pick Up Lists

Please tell your child’s class teacher the names of adults who you authorise to ‘pick up’ your child(ren) from school at the end of the day. Only adults you have named on this list will be authorised to collect your child(ren) from school. If there are changes to the adults you have given permission to, please inform the school as soon as you know there will be a change, so that we can continue to safeguard your child at the end of the school day.