Art & DT


At Trinity Road we aim to provide children with an inspiring Art and Design Technology curriculum that offers them opportunities to learn the skills of a range of artists and designers, provide the opportunities to explore a range of media, use a range of tools and develop a range of techniques.

We strive to respect the contributions of others and the work of significant artists and designers. We celebrate the achievements of significant people and our own completed learning. We belong to a world and a culture that values art and design.


Art and Design Technology is taught and studied across the school, both as the focus for blocks of topic lessons, and as a part of other subject areas.

Art and D.T. lessons are planned using the progression of skills document to ensure that each year group is building on and developing the skills that have been taught in the previous year.

Over the course of a year in Art the children will look at drawing skills, they will work on aspects of colour and finally the children will explore form and pattern. Each will include learning use a range of materials creatively to design & make products. They will also use painting, drawing and sculpture to develop & share their ideas, experiences and imagination. Children will also learn about the work a range of artists, describing differences and similarities whilst making links to their own work.

In Design Technology a Textile unit, a Construction unit and a Cooking and Nutrition unit will be taught. Each will include designing purposeful products for themselves and others. They will also select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks. The children will generate, develop model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, making templates and where appropriate using computer aided technologies. They will make a product that they will then evaluate against their initial design criteria. In the Cooking and Nutrition unit, the children will also begin to understand where food comes from and use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes. They will also learn about the work a range of designers, describing differences and similarities whilst making links to their own work.