

At Trinity Road Primary School, the intent of the History curriculum is to provide a well-rounded educational offer that instills in pupils a deep understanding of the past, while promoting analytical skills and a respect for different cultures and heritage. The curriculum aims to make learning practical, removing barriers to learning where writing is a challenge for some children, by focusing on interactive activities and hands-on experiences that bring history to life. It aims to ignite pupils’ curiosity about the world and enable them to make connections between historical events and their own lives, fostering a sense of identity and belonging within the wider community.

The History curriculum intends to:

  • Develop pupils’ chronological understanding of British and world history, covering a wide range of periods and events .
  • Encourage pupils to ask thoughtful questions, investigate historical sources through hands-on activities, and develop their skills in historical enquiry.
  • Promote an appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism by exploring different historical perspectives and experiences through immersive learning experiences.
  • Support pupils in developing key historical skills, such as analysing evidence, forming arguments, and understanding the impact of the past on the present.


The implementation of our History curriculum is carefully structured to ensure that all pupils receive a broad and balanced education that progressively builds on their historical knowledge and skills as they move through the school. The curriculum is delivered through a combination of engaging practical activities, educational visits to historical sites, specialist visitors to school and interactive lessons delivered by class teachers.

Key aspects of the implementation include:

  • Sequenced progression of historical topics that builds on prior learning and ensures a coherent and interconnected understanding of the past through practical applications.
  • Use of a variety of primary and secondary sources, including artefacts, documents, and multimedia resources, to develop pupils’ skills in historical analysis and interpretation.
  • Differentiated teaching approaches that cater to the diverse learning needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and English as an additional language, through hands-on activities.
  • Opportunities for pupils to engage in historical debates, role-plays, and projects that enable them to develop their critical thinking and communication skills.


The impact of our History curriculum is evident in the progress and achievements of our pupils. Through regular monitoring, assessment and evaluation, we ensure that every child makes excellent progress from their individual starting points.

The impact of this curriculum extends beyond the classroom, as pupils develop transferable skills such as critical thinking, research skills, empathy, and cultural awareness. Pupils are able to draw on their historical knowledge to make sense of the world around them, evaluate sources of information critically, and contribute meaningfully to discussions about contemporary issues. We aim for our History curriculum to equip pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to become informed, engaged citizens who appreciate the importance of the past in shaping the future.