Curriculum Intent

At Trinity Road, our core values are:  

Respect, Achieve, Belong 

The intention of our curriculum is to deliver a broad and balanced offer based on developing these three values: 

  • Learning how to respect ourselves, others, our local community and our diverse wider world.  
  • Celebrating our own achievements through aspirational goals and ambitions for all pupils, as well as nurturing talents and skills.  
  • Understanding how we belong in our world, the responsibilities that brings and ways in which we can support everyone to be included in the wider world and local community.  

The curriculum is designed to have the highest expectations of all children, ensuring that barriers are removed, and life chances are increased. The aspiration in all lessons is that children will develop curiosity through a variety of enriching opportunities and investigations and that they will develop challenge.  

The curriculum and curriculum experiences aim to develop independent learning skills, intrinsic motivation and the ability to question. Create exciting and interesting learning experiences and develop their knowledge and understanding about our locality and the wider world.  

The curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, with some aspects going deeper or having greater emphasis based on the needs of our children at Trinity Road. These specific aspects relate to children’s personal development and emotional literacy, as well as a diverse cultural appreciation. The inclusive commitment of the school runs through the curriculum and accommodated provision is given to those children who may need it, in order to fully access the curriculum offer. 

Curriculum Implementation

The implementation of our curriculum is characterised by its rich, varied and inclusive nature. We have carefully planned and selected high-quality resources, pedagogical approaches, interactive lesson styles and assessment strategies to ensure that learning is purposeful, challenging, accessible and enjoyable for all our pupils.  Our children needed learning that is;  





Our curriculum supports memory recall, learner engagement, enjoyment and cognitive connection, as well as achievement, development, personal growth and progress. 

Each subject follows a similar structure, with subject-specific vocabulary and key knowledge being taught in every lesson. The curriculum is designed to ensure children are developing skills and knowledge taught in previous year groups to broaden and deepen children’s understanding. We track the progression of skills and knowledge taught through knowledge progression maps that ensure we are always building on children’s prior learning, revisiting key aspects so they are retained and can be recalled.  

We have developed some subjects ourselves through our experienced teaching team; whilst for others we use quality schemes that intrinsically link with the values and pedagogical approaches we use as a school. For those subjects we have designed ourselves, we have ensured that, wherever possible, learning is practical and immersive as we know that it is through the act of doing that our children at Trinity Road learn best.

At the end of every term, our children get the opportunity to share their learning with others. This may be through showcases to families or to other year groups in school. This gives all children the opportunity to further develop their oracy skills through presenting to others, and allows them to demonstrate the plethora of knowledge they have acquired over each term.

Although our curriculum subjects can stand-alone, we look for opportunities to make meaningful links between and across subjects. Challenging progressive skills and knowledge are sequenced through our children’s journey throughout school. From September 2024, we become two-form entry across all year groups. This has given us the opportunity to re-design the curriculum to a one-year program that caters to our ever-changing demographic and is adaptable to meet the needs of all children.

We use our local area, its history and our whole school site, including Jubilee Woods, to extend and enrich learning opportunities for all children. Learning opportunities and experiences are built upon in all aspects of school life for example, through assemblies, school trips and visitors. Well planned technologies, used safely, in teaching and learning experiences bring the wider world to the children and enable accessibility to aspects beyond their reach.  

Curriculum Impact

Subjects are formatively assessed as they are taught. This feedback directly informs the next steps in the learning journey, sequence, resource provision and provision for children. 

Throughout the year, three times a year, children from Spring of Year 1 upwards are assessed using NFER termly assessments. These assessments are used to inform regular professional discussions with the senior leaders, the subject leaders and the phase teams to inform whole school planning, resource allocation including additional support, targeted areas for individuals, groups, subjects and key skills.  

Impact of our wider and core curriculum is also measured through: 

  • Termly showcases 
  • Published written outcomes 
  • Formal assessments 
  • Pupil conferencing 
  • Book scrutiny 
  • Observations of learning 
  • Parental feedback 
  • Performance data 
  • Pupil voice feedback 
  • Personal development 

We use the above strategies to ensure our curriculum satisfies our intent, is ambitious, progressive, achievable and appropriate. Measures are taken if resources, training or revisions are required.  

During externally reportable years, we set targets based on children’s prior attainment, our core knowledge of individuals and their journeys, as well as a goal to attain in line with National Expectations.