Modern Foreign Languages

At Trinity Road School, French teaching across Key Stage 2 is supported by Language Angels to ensure that staff are well supported and guided to delivery correct pronunciation. Each class has a 30 minute lesson per week. To enrich class-based learning, we also have themed assemblies and days, including menus, that develop cultural capital and promote the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance of others.   

French Curriculum

In Years 3 and 4, children learn essential French vocabulary to introduce themselves and their family members. Children learn to read, write and speak in simple sentences. These include short conversations, asking for things and describing objects using colours. Writing is recorded in books to enable the children to refer back to prior learning. Children are taught to translate and follow verbal instructions using key vocabulary, cognates and actions. Children learn to count up to 20 and use this information in their spoken, written, oral and aural learning. Vocabulary is often taught through songs and is provided on Knowledge Organisers. Children are encouraged to use these independently to support their learning.

In Years 5 and 6, children consolidate their prior learning during the Autumn Term before moving onto writing and speaking in longer sentences with more detail. Children continue to develop their translation skills of longer and more demanding texts, through the use of questioning, continuing to develop their understanding of key vocabulary and cognates. Vocabulary is provided on Knowledge Organisers and children are encouraged to use these, alongside French dictionaries, to support their learning.