

The intent of music teaching at Trinity Road is to inspire and develop a love of music and maximise opportunities for children to be creative and have the knowledge and skills to compose, perform, evaluate and celebrate their talents and achievements. It is rooted in ensuring a clear understanding of the interrelated dimensions of music (musical elements) of timbre, texture, pitch, duration, dynamics, structure and tempo and engaging children to be confident to apply this to exploring and composing their own ideas. We take great pride in belonging to a bigger group, enabling us to rehearse and perform to an audience. We place high value on ensuring that our children have an ongoing opportunity to listen to, experience and talk about a range of music of different styles, cultures, genres and by important composers in musical history. We teach children to form their own opinions about music and value and respect those of others.


Music is taught once a week in all classes. During music lessons, children learn musicianship skills and to be creative composers and performers. Working collaboratively and respecting each other in order to achieve and celebrate success is also key.

During the course of the year, all children are taught to understand and use each of the musical elements to improvise, compose, perform and evaluate and refine their ideas.

Performing to an audience is a very important part of music. Children are encouraged to take on the role of confident performers and respectful audience listeners within music lessons. This also provides the opportunity for them to listen, evaluate and refine using a critical ear.

We look for opportunities for our children to be able to perform to a wider audience. Music is a strong feature in our Harvest, Christmas and Easter services at Holy Trinity Church, where audiences are treated to high quality performances from; whole school singing, the choir, percussion orchestra and recorder clubs. All year groups take turns to lead and feature in services throughout the school year.

Further performances to the wider community and audiences include: Nativity and singing at the Christmas Service, taking part in local Music Festivals, public performances for the community including iRock concerts, singing at the local Care Home and taking part in Young Voices concert.