Good to Know – Gentle reminders for parents

School Times

The school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. EYFS, KS1 & KS2: 8.30am Gates open and children line up in their classes on the playground. 8:40am Teachers lead children in their class lines to their classrooms. 8:45am The school day now starts at 8.45am for all children. Blue doors and school gates closeAll parents need to be off site by 8.45am 3.05pm Gates open 3:15pm The school day ends. Doors open. 3:20pm Doors Close (any children not collected will be taken to the office) 3:25pm Gates Close. Children collected after 3.25pm will now incur a late fee of … Read more

Birthday Treats

Birthday Treats

We love birthdays, but we are a Healthy School, so if you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday with their class, we encourage you to buy a class book, a game, or send fruit. We don’t hand out sweets in school, and we kindly ask parents/carers not to distribute sweets on school site at the end of the day.

no smart watches

Smart Watches

Smart watches are mobile devices with many extras on them, including the ability to take photos. We do not allow smart watches of any sort in school. A child wearing a smart watch will be asked to remove it. Adults will store the device securely and it will be returned at the end of the school day.

Sporting Achievements Wall

If your child has achieved a sporting achievement outside of school, we’ll display this on our Sporting Achievements Wall in the School foyer. We’re proud to display the huge range of sports our pupils take part in, whether it’s a swimming badge, a karate belt, horse-riding, sailing, skiing, dancing or gymnastics certificate, you name it we’d love to hear about it! Parents just need to email the school office with a photo attachment and a short description of the sporting achievement to be displayed on the wall.

outside front of school showing pencil bollards and colourful road markings essex school streets

Parking – drop off and pick up times

If you must travel to school by car, please observe the parking restrictions around the school and do not obstruct the pavement or block neighbours’ driveways. If you cannot find a safe place to park nearby, please do not resort dangerous or inconsiderate manouvers: it’s better for everyone to stay safe and be a little late. You can get a free pass from the council for the local multi-storey car park and help reduce the number of cars outside the school at drop-off and pick-up times. The school is in regular contact with the parking enforcement team. If you have … Read more

Medication and serious injuries

If your child is coming to school with a serious injury, broken limb or requires prescribed medication for a short term need, you must come to the School Office to complete a form.You should do this before your child starts their day, in case we need to make adaptations to their school day for their own safety.

walking to school

Park & Stride, the free parking offer for dropping-off and picking-up

Parents can register to park for free with the Council’s park and stride scheme at nearby Meadows Retail multi-story car park. This offer provides parents with 45 minutes free parking at pick-up and drop off times. To apply, phone or visit the school office team, who are required by the Council to verify that you are indeed parents of an attending child. The school office team take down your vehicle registration and the postcode of your home address which will be passed onto Essex County Council to be added onto their database. There is no physical permit to display – … Read more

Lost Property

Remember to add your child’s name on all your child’s items, including hats and gloves. When items are labelled in this way, adults in school can reunite your child with their lost items during the school day. Do let adults in school know if an item has been lost and they can be on the look-out for it. If your lost items aren’t labelled, they will be placed in the Lost Property boxes. You can search through the Lost Property boxes, situated in the school foyer.

School times- Be on time!

School times- Be on time!

Gates open at 8.35am and the blue doors open at 8.45am.The school bell will sound at 8.50am to let everyone know the gates will be closing in 5 minutes.At 8.55am the gates will close and all children need to be in by this time. Lateness is recorded and you will be invited to meet with the Attendance Officer if your child is frequently late. Find out more about our attendance and punctuality procedures here.

slices of apples pears and oranges

Healthy Snacks at Breaktime

If you are choosing to to send your child in with a snack for breaktime please do make sure it is a healthy one (e.g. fruit, vegetable, cereal bar – no nuts please).Early Years and Key Stage One classes all do have access to fruit/vegetable snack everyday through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.

Scooters and Bikes

If you are coming to school on a bike or a scooter, please dismount when you arrive at the school gates and walk with them to the top of the playground. We ask you not to ride bikes or scooters on school premises please. We have covered bicycle shelters and mushroom scooter storage at the top of the playground.

Colder Weather – Clothing

Please remember to label your child’s fleece, jumpers and coats! As the colder weather approaches, many children will be bringing more items of clothing and some of these items may be misplaced across the school.Ensure your child recognises their items and knows where to look for their name. When it is named, it is much easier to get this back to you. Alternatively, please check lost property in the school office.

Toys and items from home

Please ensure your child is not bringing in toys and items from home, such as Pokemon cards. These are not allowed in school as they cause distraction and when they get lost or taken children, are often very sad.

Healthy snacks

Please remember to send your child in with a healthy snack for breaktime and with water in their bottle.

Pick Up Lists

Please tell your child’s class teacher the names of adults who you authorise to ‘pick up’ your child(ren) from school at the end of the day. Only adults you have named on this list will be authorised to collect your child(ren) from school. If there are changes to the adults you have given permission to, please inform the school as soon as you know there will be a change, so that we can continue to safeguard your child at the end of the school day.