Our School Expansion

The school expansion was completed at the end of November 2023. It has added two extra classrooms to our school and replaced our exhausted 1950’s lunch bar building with efficient and modern facilities. Internally, the EYFS classrooms were be re-modelled to make best use of all available space. Externally, a multiple-use games area has been added to provide additional outdoor play and sports opportunities. These expansion works were funded by Essex County Council and Chelmsford City Council.

Here are some of the initial changes people can expect to see, that we shared with the whole school community:

New layout
New Building

Replacing the lunch bar and kitchen, adding two classrooms and toilets.

closed area
Front playground closed during construction.
side playground
Still room to play!

The side playground will stay open.


Lunches will be served in the Lower Hall.

office access

School Office is accessed through the car park.

school entrance

Enter the school through the field gates.

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Important changes to remember:

While the works were ongoing, the school introduced temporary procedures during the school day in order to keep everyone safe and minimise the disruption to teaching & learning. The school communicated regular updates through the school newsletters and emails.

The club offer was reduced whilst space was at a premium and the school was limited as to what we can safely offer. It is likely this will not return to a normal offer until next academic year when the building works are completed.

What are we doing to support your child through these changes?

We know at times when there is a lot of change we need to ensure children are well prepared, have a chance to ask questions and know how this affects them.

  • This term, our assemblies show photos and drawings of the site so children know what parts of the school site they won’t be able to go in and share why.
  • Class teams will be revisiting this in smaller class groups to ensure that worries and questions the children have can be explored further.
  • Classes will be able to visit the construction site during learning time so see what is going on and the construction site manager will also be answering the children’s questions.
  • There will be regular updates in the newsletter and the children will hear about news through whole school and class assemblies.

Thank you for your support through this time of exciting change for the school. Please come and speak to the school senior team if you have any questions.

Photo Gallery

New layout
Artist's impression of what the new building will look like

The layout inside the new building: replacing the lunch bar and kitchen, adding two classrooms and toilets.

front playground
construction area in playground

The area of the front playground sectioned off for construction.

side playground
side playground

Still plenty of room to play in the side playground.

Multi-use games area MUGA

Our new multi-use games area (MUGA) offers more space to play all year round.

Lower Hall

Lunches are served in the Lower Hall. Food is still prepared on site.

school access

Enter through the field gates for dropping off and picking up.

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