Parent Info

At Trinity Road Primary School, we are keen to work with parents as partners.  We believe that children, parents and school staff working together will achieve the very best outcomes for our learners.

We are always keen to hear parent views, whether they are ideas, concerns or compliments.  Senior staff are on the gate at the beginning and end of each day to ensure this communication is smooth and efficient.  We also encourage the use of Parent View as a way of sharing your views on the school. 

We hold events in school to involve parents as much as possible in the life of the school.  These include:

  • Learner conferences
  • Celebration assemblies
  • Year Group Showcases
  • iRock Concerts
  • Curriculum events
  • PTA events 

We encourage the use of children’s reading diaries if you are unable to see your child’s teacher at drop off or pick up times.

Teaching staff are available at the start and end of the day for any immediate concerns. Alternatively, you can make an appointment at the office to speak to a member of staff.

 Our British Values Statement