Online Safety

At Trinity Road Primary School, online safety is taught through the computing curriculum, assemblies and themed days, including Safer Internet Day. Our curriculum is responsive to current events and issues and we are constantly looking for ways to engage the pupils and enhance the teaching of online safety. For example, Year 6 will participating in sessions run by Essex Fire and Safety in the spring term. We are also a part of the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme which allows our KS2 recruited Digital Leaders to have access to an interactive online platform. These platforms train and empower young people to be online safety peer mentors in our school. Our Digital Leaders feed back to their classes on the fortnightly training they have received and work together to take the lead in delivering impactful online safety activities within our school. Childnet will provide ongoing support and up-to-date advice for pupils and staff, as well as showcasing the work of the Digital Leaders in the wider community.

Our internet safety is centred on the Google Be Internet Legends programme. We want to make learning about internet safety engaging, interactive and fun. This video explains the programme in more detail:

“When you think about Stranger Danger are you thinking of a white van outside a school or a man with a dog that has just had puppies?”

~ The Two Johns

Having spent many years working as Police Detectives in various covert roles tackling Online and Offline Child Exploitation The ‘2 Johns’ are regarded as experts in their field and every year they work in hundreds of Primary and Secondary Schools interacting with Children, Teachers and Parents. The staff, children and parents/carers within our school received training on the current risks our pupils are facing online.

Their training is centred on the viewpoint that if a parent/carer or person working with children has a low understanding of the internet, then it is likely to lead to a lot of misunderstanding and the adult, as a result, may inadvertently increase the risks surrounding a child.

If you would like further information from The 2 Johns, their website contains lots of interesting information, guidance and resources to support.


‘I thought he was playing an innocent game’

Online multiplayer game Roblox, which has 90 million users worldwide, is marketed at children – but there are fears it also being used to groom them.

Reporter Rachel Stonehouse hears from one mother, who explains how this happened to her young son.

Roblox said its in-game chat had very stringent filters and any photo exchange would have been done on a third-party app that is not “affiliated or integrated with Roblox”.

It added: “It’s extremely important to be aware of these chat apps, particularly [those with an] ‘overlay’ feature making it appear to be part of whatever game is being played.”

~ The Two Johns

What should I do if I am concerned about the way my child is using the internet?

-Talk about it. Find the right time to approach you child if you are concerned about their internet use.

– Don’t deal with it alone. Talk to friends for support and contact your child’s teacher.

– Look for helpful advice to help you deal with issues that may arise. Here you can find advice on a range of themes and concerns:


Theme – “Together for a Better Internet”

Safer Internet Day is designed to empower young people to take control of their digital lives. For 2020 the Safer Internet Centre are putting the focus on online identity and asking young people to consider whether they and their peers are truly free to be themselves online. To highlight the importance of this event, Trinity Road will be creating films and animations in response to emails which parents and carers will be able to view as part of a screening, during the week commencing 10th February.

Further information:
Parent Info provides support and advice to parents, with contributions from the leading experts and organisations in matters related to young people and families in a digital world.

To teach children to make better decisions online, Google has created information and resources endorsed by Parent Zone and Internet Matters to help children become smart, savvy, digital citizens.

From age-specific online safety checklists to guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, this website provides a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world

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