Parent Governor Role

Trinity Road Primary School has a hugely supportive parent community. We welcome parents taking an active role in the life of the school. Many of our families always join us for learning events, they are active at supporting our children through sporting events and the Friends Of Trinity PTA has a very busy calendar of events fundraising for the school.

Another way parents can take a role in supporting the direction of the school is through becoming a parent governor. Trinity Road Primary School has the provision for 4 parent governors.


January 2024 – 2 Parent Governor Vacancies

The Role of parent governors

Governors are the largest volunteering role in the country!

All governors regardless of their constituency are elected or appointed with one common purpose – to govern the school in the best interest of pupils. Parent governors are no exception. They are not elected to represent their stakeholder group, but are elected in order to contribute to the work of the governing body in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school, contributing to strategic discussion, holding senior leaders to account by monitoring school performance and ensuring money is well spent.

Whereas no particular qualifications are necessary and the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the school and be prepared to play an active part in governing body’s work. The governing body is made up of a range of people from many different areas of life, experiences and skills; we would particularly welcome nominations from parents with the following skills, including but not reserved to; secondary or higher education, wellbeing and mental health, as well as health and safety. Having board members who bring different perspectives and knowledge to the board strengthens it.

Training is available for all governors and this board of governors has an expectation that those new to governance attend induction training as a minimum.

We would encourage anyone interested in becoming a parent governor to see what is involved by looking on the National Governance Association (NGA) website. Furthermore, you can contact our Chair Of Governors; Claire Styles, to arrange a call or a visit to find out more. Or, you can speak to our current parent governors about what is involved in their role.

It is crucial that a parent governor is confident in their role, committed to asking challenging questions and equipped with the confidence to have the courageous conversations essential for good governance being achieved.

Who Can Be A Parent Governor?

The NGA Parent Governor Elections – Maintained schools: Qualifications and disqualifications to serve as a school governor, summarises the circumstances under which someone can or cannot serve as a governor.

How Can Be A Parent Governor?

When there is a vacancy on the governing body for a parent governor, the school’s retuning officer will contact the families at the school to notify them that there is a vacancy. Parents, who are eligible, are invited to nominate themselves or another parent with their permission, for the role.

Interested parents complete a 250 word personal statement to share why they would like to be a school governor and return this to the school by a specified date.

If there are more applicants than the number of positions available then the school holds an election.

More information about the elections procedures can be found in the NGA Parent Governor Election Procedures document below.