Kitchen change-over on Monday 5th

This week, the temporary kitchen is being connected to all the utilities and the larger items will be fitted on Monday 5th December. The on-site catering team will be cooking in there from Tuesday 6th December.

To help the catering team with this mammoth move, we have arranged packed lunches for Monday 5th December for the whole school. Letters about this were sent home last week, so please speak to the school office if you have not yet booked your child’s packed lunch or picked their sandwich choice.

The winter menu has been adapted to take into account the smaller size available inside the temporary kitchen.

We are also swapping our gas hobs for energy-efficient induction units.

New Dates for our Expansion buildingworks

We are excited that things are now starting to happen again, and you will start to see more happening. As you know, dates are subject to change and I will keep you updated if there are any changes.

DateWhat is happening?
21st NovTemporary Kitchen installed on site
Part of the lower playground fenced off to get ready
for larger site works
21st-24th NovSite preparation works by Morgan Sindell site team.
25th NovContainer storage installed on site.
Train and boat removed. (They will be returned when buildingworks are completed)
From 5th DecAll families enter through Springfield Park Hill Road to the school field.
All other entrance gates for children and families are closed.
Lunch eaten in the lower hall.
Site fencing installed in lower playground and lunchbar.
From 14th DecDemolition of the lunchbar starts

Expansion Build News – Start date and Changes

The expansion project is due to restart on Monday 21st November.
You will not be affected by the changes to the site until Monday 5th December, when we will move to using only the Springfield Park Hill Road entrance onto the school field as the main access point for all families.

Illustration of the pedestrian route to enter the school after 5th December due to expansion works.

Expansion Build News – The Lunchbar Demolition

We will move out of the lunchbar over October half term and will have a temporary, purpose built, fully fitted kitchen on site to continue to cook our school meals during the works. The children will be eating inside the hall in school throughout the development.

During the demolition and construction of the new building, there will be some significant changes to the school site:

  • The front school playground will be closed; this will be used as the construction site for the new build and will be fenced off.
  • The small playground gates, which many families arrive and leave through, will be closed and no access will be permitted through this way. The larger gates, opposite Hill Road, will still be in use.
  • There will be a new entrance to the school site using the field access gate on Springfield Park Hill.

We are working with the children and staff to ensure they are aware of the upcoming changes and providing resources on the website to support you with all the changes that will be ahead. More information will be coming out over the next few weeks.