School Awards – Week 6

Class Learning StarPunctuality, Accuracy
& Presentation (PAP) Star
Respect BadgeBe Your Best
DeaconWhole classFinnNaylaa
James AarshSulaimanJasmineDanny
Jeffers LeonAsmiTobyNico
Rosen IvyIsabelEvieKian
Cowell HarryIzzyFinleyCher
Pichon Whole classWrenCaseyFreya
Sachar FreddieHenrySebastianVinnie
Rauf JaaronBellaMatthewFfion
Ho-Yen JamesIshitaMaxWali

Attendance – 3rd to 7th October

Staff, parents and pupils come together to maintain and improve attendance every day. More information for parents is available on Our school attendance target for the year is 95%.
The whole school attendance last week was 96.2%. Here is the detailed class attendance information:

McKee Good
DonaldsonCould do better
Ho-Yen Good

Outstanding ~ 98.6-100%
Good ~ 95—98.5%
Could do better ~ 94.9% and below

Our badge design competition winners!

In September, the Head Teacher launched a badge competition linked to our school’s new Behaviour Policy. Everyone in the school community was invited to design a badge to show the values of our ‘Respect’ Award, or our new ‘Be Your Best’ Award.

All the winners whose badge designs were selected for our weekly Respect Awards and our Be Your Best awards.

The Head Teacher said: “A big well done to all of the children who sent in their entries, I was so proud of how everyone had taken the time to share what these awards mean to them.”

The winners all had their badge designs made to keep!
Every class now has a full class set of all 7 winning designs for the children of the weekly award to choose and wear for the week.
Well done everyone!

Respect Award Badge Winners:

Be Your Best Award Badge Winners:

Jeans For Genes Day raised £226.60 for the charity

Well done everyone! When everyone wore their jeans to school on Friday 23rd September, you all generously donated to this charity cause.
We raised £226.60 for the charity.

Jeans for Genes is an annual fundraising event for the genetic condition community. Many are either born or live with a diagnosed genetic condition and this fundraising event provides some money and awareness to the research that needs to go into ensuring more people can either live with or eventually live without genetic conditions throughout their life.