Expansion News – School lunches

Now that the new games area is complete, phase 2 of our expansion plan is underway behind the scenes.

We expect to move out of the lunchbar over October half term. We will have a temporary, purpose built, fully fitted kitchen on site to continue to cook our school meals in school. The children will be eating inside the hall in school throughout the development.

During the demolition of the lunch bar and the construction of the new building, there will be changes to the front of the school site to accommodate the large construction site. I will write to you all this term to outline what the changes will be and how these will be accommodated while we run as normal.

Morgan Sindell are the construction company tasked with building our new lunchbar. They have been on site throughout the summer to undertake surveys and site checks, ready for the works to commence later this term.

Our Year of Reading

The Enterprise Project, led by Miss Clare and the old Year 6s, went down a storm and they proudly sold so many of theitems they had innovated and hand-crafted – many selling out!

As a result, the Year 6’s were able to leave a reading legacy for every class, by buying them a range of books from their class named author.
We are so proud of them helping to celebrate reading and welcome our new class names into our school community in such an enjoyable way.
New Reading Diaries are coming home with your child this week. We have moved to a new reading diary design, which is written and suited to the age of your child.
Please support your child and their reading development by ensuring your read with them, read to them, and let them read to you.

Changes around the School since Summer

Our new Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) is complete! We are looking forward to starting some of our PE lessons in there and using this across the school day. This was the first phase of our building works, to make additional room for the children to play when we lose some playground space during the construction work that will give us a new lunch bar and two new classrooms.

New bike racks and new scooter pods have been installed at the top end of the playground for you to store your child’s bike or scooter. This is part of the school’s journey to expanding and enabling more families to engage in healthy ways to get to school.

Some of you will have seen the cherry tree near the school gate has been removed. This tree and some others had to be removed unfortunately, in preparation for the new building. It is always sad to lose trees, but new trees will be planted at a later stage and somewhere different around the school site, to replace the ones we lost.

We have a new pathway that has been built, leading from the gate on the field on to the school playground at the top end of the school. This will be part of the temporary access that we will need to put in place when the lunch bar is being demolished and rebuilt.

Pick Up Lists

Please tell your child’s class teacher the names of adults who you authorise to ‘pick up’ your child(ren) from school at the end of the day. Only adults you have named on this list will be authorised to collect your child(ren) from school. If there are changes to the adults you have given permission to, please inform the school as soon as you know there will be a change, so that we can continue to safeguard your child at the end of the school day.

Celebrating Music at Trinity Road

The Essex Music Education Hub are celebrating the value we place on music in our school and have awarded us the honour to become a Music Mark School!
The whole school community, ambitiously led by Mrs Jennings, have ensured that music is embraced, used imaginatively across all learning within the school day. We are very proud to achieve this award. Well done everyone!