Toys and items from home

Please ensure your child is not bringing in toys and items from home, such as Pokemon cards. These are not allowed in school as they cause distraction and when they get lost or taken children, are often very sad.

Welcome To Our New Reception Families

The Early Years staff team have been out visiting our new Reception families and welcoming our new Reception children in for settling afternoons, as they start their journey to starting school. This week groups of our new Reception children will be starting every day and we would like to welcome you and your child to our school!

Competition For The Children – Badge Designs for Behaviour Awards

On Friday, we shared with the children how we would be celebrating their learning and behaviour achievements as part of the new Behaviour Policy.
We are asking the children to enter a design for either our new ‘Respect’ badge or our brand-new award ‘Be Your Best’ badge.
The Respect badge is based on the values of our school and the Be Your Best badge is about the new school rules, ‘Together At Trinity’, in our Behaviour Policy.
The closing date for these is Tuesday 20th September. Every child in the school has been given an entry and we encourage everyone to have a go.
The winning badge designs will be made into real badges that will be given to children weekly, to wear with pride when they win one in our new Friday Celebration assemblies.
Our new Behaviour Policy is on our website if you would like to find out what we are doing and are not able to make the meeting on Monday 12th September.